Mentoring and Coaching for Development
and Better Workplace Performance
ATTENTION: Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Technical Assistants, Human Relations Officers,
Administrative Officers, HRD, Business Owners & Employers
Available Schedule
October 26, 2019 @ 1:00pm - 5:00pm [STATUS: CANCELLED]
Century Park Hotel - Vito Cruz, Manila
Mentoring and coaching will empower individuals to realize their possible potentials. This course will provide supervisors and managers with the determination, doctrines/guidelines, processes and practices of mentoring and coaching to develop the required competencies to effectively mentor and coach others. Managing difficult teams and individuals for better business environment.
Supervisors and Managers
Team Leaders
Those new to management within the past two years who have had no formal management training
Professionals who are about to be promoted to a management position
Mentoring versus coaching to develop workers in the office
Explain key models and differentiate mentoring from coaching
Conduct mentoring and coaching conversations
How to document and process mentoring and coaching relationships
Self-assessments on mentoring and coaching competencies to determine competency gaps for possible adjustments and development
When to coach and when not to coach
The process of coaching
Key coaching competencies
Active listening
Asking powerful questions
Goal setting for coaching and mentoring
Accountability building and action planning
Coaching ethics
Identify and how to implement strategies and action plans that will continually develop employees in the workplace
Seminar Fee:
Php. 3,000.00 per participant
Inclusive of lunch, snacks, learning materials and certificate
*Please make all check payments payable to "IPG Training Institute for Professional Advancement"