General Tax Update (feat. CoVID-19 Related Issues & Concerns)
ATTENTION: Accountants, Bookkeepers, Accounting Clerks, Treasurers, Administrative Officers,
HRD, Business Owners/Employers
Available Webinar Schedule
18 September 2020 | Friday | 5:00pm-7:00pm
(via Zoom)
Business entities from SMEs to large companies must understand accounting terminology, the process of preparing financial statements, practices used to measure and record business transactions (debit and credit). Analyze and interpret financial statements will efficiently track their performance with efficient bookkeeping and accounting procedures. This should be handled properly as accurate bookkeeping and accounting will eventually help a company grow.
To be updated on latest BIR Revenue Regulations & Revenue Memorandum Orders issued during the CoVID-19 pandemic that caused disruption to businesses
To know latest deadlines and adjustments in filing taxes to the BIR
I. Income Tax Returns (ITR)
II. Mandatory Attachments to ITRs
III. Value-Added Tax (2550M & 2550 Q) and Electronic Attachments
IV. Percentage Tax Return
- General
- Overseas Communication Tax
- Special Laws
- Monthly, Quarterly, Annual
V. Electronic Attachments to Withholding Tax Returns
VI. One-Time Transaction Taxes Deadlines & Attachments
- Capital Gains Tax Return
- Estate Tax Return
- Donors Tax Return
VII. Excise Tax Returns Deadlines and Others
VIII. Books of Accounts
IX. Principal Receipts
X. Authority to Print (ATP) Receipts & Invoices
- Issues due to CoVID-19 period
XI. Audit Documents (featuring extended deadlines)
XII. Other Submission and Documentations
COVID-19 PROMO: Php. 1,000.00 (Inclusive of eCertificate)
Avail of this Webinar for only Php. 1,000.00 compared to the on-site seminar of Php. 3,500.00
(Payment made through bank deposit atleast 1 day [cut-off time: 3:00pm] before the seminar)
(Credit Card payments are accepted via PayPal)
*Please make all check payments payable to "IPG Training Institute for Professional Advancement"