eLearning: Adopting the Challenges Beyond
ATTENTION: Learners, Businesses, Employers, Parents, Trainers, Technology Users
Available Webinar Schedule
15 October 2020 | Thursday | 5:00pm-7:00pm
(via Zoom)
Digital learning is an instructional practice that ultimately helps learners, students, and business. It makes use of a broad range of technology-enhanced educational strategies. It includes blended learning, flipped learning, personalized learning, and other strategies that rely on digital tools to a small or large degree. eLearning uses digital tools not simply continue it via a digital means, but thoughtful integration of technology to enable learners to actively engage with ideas and their peers does enhance the learning experience. Strategic challenges that tackle countless tangible and abstract variables—devices, software, classroom practices, professional development, and collaboration among the many stakeholders just to name a few are to be adopted.
What is eLearning?
Pros and cons of eLearning
eBusiness in eLearning
Benefits of eLearning
Challenges of eLearning platform
A big growth in education market under electronic learning
Evolution of education technology
Blended learning
Preparing students for a life-long learning
Digital age learning model
Delivery mode will change under eLearning
Teaching will change
Learning monitoring and grading will change
Trainers/Teachers obligation in eLearning environment
Building an eLearning culture
Some eLearning tools
How to adopt to eLearning challenges
COVID-19 PROMO: Php. 1,000.00 (Inclusive of eCertificate)
Avail of this Webinar for only Php. 1,000.00 compared to the on-site seminar of Php. 3,500.00
(Payment made through bank deposit atleast 1 day [cut-off time: 3:00pm] before the seminar)
(Credit Card payments are accepted via PayPal)
*Please make all check payments payable to "IPG Training Institute for Professional Advancement"